When his wife and two children were killed in a drunk-driving accident, Chris Williams made the most important decision of his life. On a cold February night in 2007, a devoted father of four and a seventeen-year-old drunk driver both received life sentences. In one violent, devastating instant, both faced a drastically different and uncertain future. But as Chris Williams sat in his demolished vehicle, staring at the car that had just caused the death of his wife, his unborn baby, his nine-year-old daughter, and his eleven-year-old son, he committed to do something extraordinary: he would forgive.
That decision launched Chris on a journey toward healing that affected his family and friends, the young man who caused the accident, and an entire community a community that would face another deadly tragedy just a few days later. Chris s message of forgiveness is an empowering invitation to all who have suffered, however unjustly, to lay down their burdens and let it go.
On Feb. 13th, 2007 Chris Williams invited everyone to extend an act of kindness, forgiveness or mercy – and to do so by Feb. 14th, a day “for giving hearts”, sharing what they had done with his two surviving boys.
This site is an extension of that invitation – capturing acts of kindness, forgiveness and mercy to help all who visit to “just let go”.